
What is an e-cigarette vaporizer? Replacing and repairing the vaporizer. Types of e-cigarette vaporizers. Vape shop

21st Jun 2023

What is an e-cigarette vaporizer? Replacing and repairing the vaporizer. Types of e-cigarette vaporizers. Vape shop

What is an e-cigarette vaporizer? Replacing and repairing the vaporizer. Types of e-cigarette vaporizers. Vape shop

Ibro Baz on 21st Jun 2023

These original devices came out almost a decade ago. For a long time they were produced without significant changes in design. Over the past 2 years, manufacturers have refined the model and have several new types of cigarettes available. The explanation for this is the significant increase in demand for this device. Not the least of which was the fierce competition between manufacturers. Be that as it may, there are clearomizer and tankomizer models on the market that are characterized by improved performance.

What is this device

The e-cigarette was first released in 2003 by Ryan (China). However, commercial samples intended for sale came much later (in 2008).

The name of this device does not reflect the essence of what an e-cigarette consists of. It would be more correct to call it an electric inhaler, because it operates on the same principles - "atomizes" the liquid into a vapor.

A classic e-cigarette consists of a battery, a liquid cartridge and a vaporizer. Batteries are manufactured using the latest Li-Ion technology. The main parameters of the batteries in these devices are their capacity, measured in mAh, and operating voltage.

The battery capacity determines the size of the cigarette. From operating voltage - the amount of vapor produced by the evaporator. Most often their output power is 3.7V, this value is the "standard" today. At the same time, there are batteries that change the output power. Power supply A device that supplies voltage to the vaporizer. These can be collapsible and non-collapsible factory batteries of different formats, battery packs equipped with replaceable batteries varivolts, mechmods, multivolts and so on. Two characteristics are important for a power supply - the ability to adjust voltages and the size of the power supply.

Power source

A device that supplies voltage to the vaporizer. These can be collapsible and non-collapsible factory batteries of different formats, battery packs equipped with replaceable batteries varivolts, mechmods, multivolts and so on. Two characteristics are important for a power supply - the ability to adjust voltages and the size of the power supply.

Vaporizer for electronic cigarette

It is a device in which the voltages supplied from the power supply are applied directly to a coil with a resistance of. As a result, it heats up. The liquid flowing to the coil is "splashed" (vaporized). This element contains a fluid reserve. And, of course, blowing (air flow to the coil).

The first vaporizers corresponded to e-cigarette models, using "Kanthal" wire for resistance, surrounded by absorbent material, usually fiberglass or synthetic wool.

The vaporizer for an electronic cigarette, depending on the design, can be of different types. Of the presently existing designs, the essential ones are:

●implementation of blowing;

●liquid storage;

●supplying it to the coil (it can be a single wick that is responsible for both supply and vaporization, or a separate coil wick and a supply wick).

There are two important characteristics to consider: the size and maintainability of the vaporizer.

Based on the size, an e-cigarette vaporizer can be classified as follows:

●Diameter max. 9 mm. They are used in devices that most closely resemble "regular" cigarettes, with a diameter of 14 mm or less. It's the most popular size.

●16 to 17 millimeters is the average size. These vaporizers are also popular, but they are produced in much smaller numbers.

●Diameter 20 mm. Also considered an "inter-format" size. Such a vaporizer for an e-cigarette is already much more than "average".

●Diameter 22-23 mm. Today, this size is another "standard" size. Most of these models have a diameter of 22-23 mm.

●Sometimes there are specimens with a diameter of more than 23 mm, but this is very rare. They are manufactured for use in devices with equally powerful power supplies. They are quite large, heavy and not very user friendly. But they're being used, too.

To evaluate the usability of common vaporizer sizes as well as power supplies, you can make this comparison:

●the eGo-format (14mm) feels like an oversized fountain pen;

●22-23 mm format device can be compared to the thickness of handles of kitchen utensils (ladles, etc.).

An equally important criterion when buying this device is to have the ability to maintain the vaporizer for the electronic cigarette. More recently, the bulk of these elements were maintenance free. In other words, you buy a device, use it for a short time, and then just throw it away.

Serviceable devices are those in which the user can independently rewind the e-cigarette vaporizer (coil + wick). It is more troublesome, but it allows you to improve the characteristics (amount of vapor, flavor, etc.) of the devices used.

Just as importantly, these devices can be maintained fairly easily in the intervals when the cigarette needs a change of windings (burning, washing wicks and spirals).

What is a semi-maintained evaporator

This is the middle ground between devices that can be self-serviceable and those that are not designed for it. These samples provide interchangeable vaporizers for e-cigarettes.

Types of vaporizers

Today, we can distinguish several types of vaporizers (atomizers) that manufacturers offer:

●A cartridge atomizer is considered to be a somewhat outdated model. Such technology is hardly used anymore.

●Synthesized cartomizer has gained a lot of popularity. For the manufacture of the container in such samples is used synthesizer, it allows you to eliminate the possibility of leaking liquids. But, unfortunately, such models will not last long. This, you will agree, is a significant disadvantage.

●Tankomizers are not very practical as they leak quite often.

●The most popular today is the clearomizer. In this type of model, the vaporization chamber is connected to the liquid container. It is also possible to replace the heating element if necessary.

●The model called "genesis" is considered the most difficult to use.

E-cigarette liquid

These devices contain a composition of four components: water, flavorings, glycerin and polyprolinegol. All of them are harmless to humans. If the liquid is nicotine-containing, nicotine is added, which is undeniably harmful.